Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vision-Mission and CBL of CSU-SM AA

Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University 
Sanchez Mira 
Sanchez Mira, Cagayan
3518 Philippines



and the

Constitution and By-Laws

of the

Cagayan State University
Alumni Association, Inc.
– Sanchez Mira Chapter


The CSU Alumni Association, Inc. – Sanchez Mira Chapter envisions itself as an important stakeholder and a collective embodiment of the ideals and aspirations of its Mother Institution, the Cagayan State University – Sanchez Mira.


Inspired by the Institution’s unrelenting quest for excellence in instruction, research, and extension, the CSU Alumni Association, Inc. – Sanchez Mira Chapter will endeavor to keep alive the torch of CSU-SM spirit burning among its members, to serve as a bonding association among the alumni, faculty, and administration, and to be a strong supporting arm of the University in its Vision, Mission, and Goals.

The Constitution and By-Laws of the CSU Alumni Association, Inc. – Sanchez Mira Chapter


We, the members of the Cagayan State University Alumni Association, Inc. Sanchez Mira Chapter, in order to establish an organization that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote our general welfare, and serve as a support organization to our Alma Mater, do hereby ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article I

Name of the Association

Section 1.     The association shall be known as Cagayan State University Alumni Association, Inc. -  Sanchez Mira Chapter  and is deemed the official member to the federation of alumni associations of the Cagayan State University System.

Article II

Objectives and Purposes

Section 1.       The Cagayan State University Alumni Association, Inc. - Sanchez Mira Chapter shall have the following objectives and purposes:
a.    To bring together, under one organization, the graduates of the Cagayan State University – Sanchez Mira Campus as members of the association;
b.    To cultivate close relationships among the alumni, faculty, staff, and administration of the Cagayan State University – Sanchez Mira Campus;
c.    To uphold the ideals and traditions of its Alma Mater to foster and develop the spirit of service to God, home, environment, and country as good citizens of the Philippines;
d.    To serve as an important stakeholder of the Cagayan State University-Sanchez Mira Campus especially on matters affecting its members;
e.    To tap the altruism of its members to maximize the support of the association to its Alma Mater; and
f.     To undertake programs and activities that would advance the cause of the Association in support of the Vision-Mission and Goals of the Cagayan State University – Sanchez Mira Campus.

Article III


Section 1.       The principal office of the association shall be at the Cagayan State University -  Sanchez Mira Campus, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan.

Article IV


Section 1.       Composition of the Association
                        The Cagayan State University Alumni Association, Inc. - Sanchez Mira Chapter shall be composed of all bonafide graduates of the Cagayan State University at Sanchez Mira inclusive of all graduates of its former instutional nomenclature.

Section 2.       Duties of Members
Every member shall have the following duties:
a.    Pay a one-time membership fee to the Cagayan State University Alumni Association, Inc. - Sanchez Mira Chapter; and
b.    Participate, in the best manner possible, in the programs and activities of the Association

Section 3.       Rights of Members
Every member shall have the following rights:
a.    To participate in policy formulation and decision-making during general assemblies, programs, projects and activities of the Association; and
b.    To be informed of the updates regarding the Association, including, but not limited to, the activities and programs that may generally require the presence of its regular members.

Article V


Section 1.       The leadership and governance of the Association shall emanate from the General Assembly where the Officers of the Association come from.

Section 2.       The General Assembly shall have the following powers:
a.    To clarify and approve the reports of the Association officers;
b.    To review and recommend amendments of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, as may be deemed appropriate; and
c.    To exercise all the rights and privileges appurtenant to their membership.

 Article VI
The Officers

Section 1.       The Officers of the Association shall be as follows:
a.    President
b.    Vice president
c.    Secretary
d.    Assistant Secretary
e.    Treasurer
f.     Assistant Treasurer
g.    Auditor
h.    Public Information Officer
i.      Business Manager (2)
j.      Batch Representatives (2 per Batch)

Section 2.       Term of Office
The term of office of the officers shall be two (2) years and shall not be eligible for re-election or re-appointment immediately after their terms of office.

Section 3.       Selection of Officers
a.    The officers shall emanate from the General Assembly.
b.    Two Batch Representatives from every batch of alumni shall be chosen by the batchmates during the General Assembly to become members of the voting body where the Officers shall emanate from.
c.    Any batch of alumni not represented during the General Assemblies is understood to have waived its right to be represented and to vote during the elections, but may still be qualified to produce its representatives as expected by the Association.
d.    Only the President, who will come from among them, will be elected by the Batch Representatives or the voting body in a manner determined by them.
e.    The elected President shall enjoy the blanket privilege to appoint the other officers who are deemed qualified, in counsultation with the Batch Representatives, to ensure that the Association would be able to fulfill its Vision-Mission.
f.     If a Batch Representative becomes an Officer by virtue of election or appointment, a new replacement should be chosen by the batchmates of the Batch Representative concerned.
g.    In the event that an appointed officer is not able to discharge well the duties and responsibilities as prescribed in this Constitution and By-Laws, or due to reasonable grounds which may include any or all of the impeachable offenses of the President, the appointment may be terminated by the President, in consultation with the other Officers of the Association.
h.    New appointees shall serve only the unfinished term of the officer being replaced and will not be qualified for re-election or re-appointment as provided in the term of office.
i.      The President may be impeached from office by the Batch Representatives on any or all of the following grounds proven beyond reasonable doubt:
·         Gross neglect of duties and responsibilities as an elective officer
·         Mismanagement of the Association
·         Leading the Association not in consonance with its Vision-Mission and its Constitution and By-Laws
·         Using the Association in advancing personal interest and gains
·         Malversation of funds and properties of the Association
·         Immoral conduct or doing other conducts unbecoming of a worthy Alumni
·         Conviction of a crime 

Section 4.       Duties of the Officers
The duties of the officers shall be those expressly provided in this Constitution and By-Laws, and other functions germane to leadership and management of the affairs of the Association.

Section 5.       Duties of the President
It shall be the duty of the President:
a.    To represent the Association in the Board of Directors of the Cagayan State University Alumni Association, Inc.;
b.    To call and preside in all meetings of the General Assembly;
c.    To execute  all resolutions duly passed and adopted  by the General Assembly;
d.    To recommend and present to the officers programs, projects and activities that shall be deemed necessary, beneficial and advantageous to the Association;
e.    To approve the disbursement of funds subject to existing rules and regulation of the Association, and
f.     To report to the General Assembly the State of the Association.
g.    To execute other leadership and management functions as may be needed from time to time, in collaboration with the other Officers of the Association

Section 6.       Duties of the Vice President
It shall be the duty of the Vice President:
a.    To assume all powers and duties of the President in case of vacancy or leave of absence, incapacity, or in case of suspension, resignation or death of the President; and
b.    To execute other leadership and management functions as may be needed from time to time, in collaboration with the other Officers of the Association

Section 7.       Duties of the Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary:
a.    To take down and keep the records and minutes of all the meetings or proceedings of the Association;
b.    To maintain an inventory of all bonafide members of the Association;
c.    To prepare and act on all correspondences of the Association; and
d.    To act as custodian of all the records and documents of the Association.

Section 8.       Duties of the Assistant Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Assistant Secretary:
a.    To assist in the duties and functions of the Secretary; and
b.    To assume the duties and functions of the Secretary in case of absence or incapacity.

Section 9.       Duties of the Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:
a.    To receive and record all monies due to the association or accrued from the activities or donations  from benefactors and to deposit the same in the name and credit of the Association in a reputable banking institution;
b.    To disburse amounts, in cash or in warrants, as may be authorized in writing by the Association, subject to existing rules and regulations of the Association;
c.    To act as custodian of all properties or treasures accrued, endowed, or donated in the name of the Association; and
d.    To present the financial status of the Association during General Assemblies or meetings and to submit a complete statement of accounts for the information of the General Assembly, or as the need arises.

Section 10.     Duties of the Assistant Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Assistant Treasurer:
a.    To assist in all the duties and functions of the Treasurer;
b.    To assume the duties and functions of the Treasurer in case of absence or incapacity.

Section 11.     Duties of the Auditor
It shall be the duty of the Auditor:
a.    To audit and to certify to the correctness of all financial transactions and all other resources of the Association
b.    To report the same to the General Assembly, or meetings, from time to time.

Section 12.     Duties of the Public Information Officer
It shall be the duty of the Public Information Officer:
a.    To take charge of the publications and dissemination of all programs, projects, activities, and accomplishments of the Association
b.    To perform other related duties and functions as may be determined by the Association

Section 13.     Duties of the Business Managers
It shall be the duty of the Business Managers:
a.    To oversee any business  transaction of the Association and
b.    To take charge in the planning and carrying out any approved income generating activities of the Association.

Section 14.     Duties of the Batch Representatives
It shall be the duty of the Batch Representatives:
a.    To participate in the election of the President of the Association
b.    To act, decide, represent, and vote in behalf of the batchmates being represented
c.    To cascade to the batchmates official information, notices, updates, and any other correspondences pertaining to the Association
d.    To plan, implement, evaluate programs and activities of the Batch being represented with the prior knowledge and in consultation with the Officers of the Association

 Article VII

Section 1.       Any amendment to this Constitution and By-Laws may be adopted provided that it is approved by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special General Assembly called for the purpose.

Article VIII

Approval and Effectivity

Section 1.       This Constitution and By-Laws as presented to the General Assembly shall take effect immediately upon its approval.

This Vision-Mission and Constitution and By-Laws have been ratified and approved by the majority of the members of the Association on April 23, 2011 during its General Assembly and First Grand CSU-SM Alumni Homecoming at the Cagayan State University at Sanchez Mira, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan, Philippines.

Attested Approved and Ratified:

            VENELYN G. BAGASOL                                  

Vice President


Assistant Secretary


Assistant Treasurer


Public Information Officer

Business Manager                                                        

Business Manager



Batch Representative


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 


Batch Representative 

Accepted and Approved:

Campus Executive Officer
Cagayan State University at Sanchez Mira
Sanchez Mira, Cagayan

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final List of Donors


Jane Cac - P10,000.00;
Walter Macamus - P10,000.00;
Acang Siblings (Rosie, Berlyn, Chito, Roger Acang) - P5,000.00;
Savina Orle Andres - P3,000.00;
Catherine Guzman and Marizine Plana - P4,000.00;
Jovy Cayetano Natividad - P5,000.00;
Rosaelma & Roselyn Sacramed - P$200;
Maribeth Grace C. Dumlao - P3,000.00
Doris Guillermo - 6,000.00
Fely jean Tapec, Dominador Inay, Joan Pascua and Badette Juan - P5,000.00;
Ranjo Siblings - P5,000.00;
Agnes Ramos - P$50;
Alumni Officers - P1,800.00;
Rizza Joy Saddam, Jhenny Cabias, Ronah Dabalos Guiang, Breneth Bacud, Joel Tabian, 
Eden Tabian and Jenezzer Bejec - P6,000.00;
Fr. & Mrs. Expedito Farinas - P2,000.00;
Ernesto U. Guillermo, Jr. - P3,000.00;
Shella Grace Yabes-Shuelli - P5,000.00;
Estrelita Agustin - P3,000.00;
Mr. & Mrs. Jestoni Jay Que - P3,500.00;
Juliet Cabuyadao - P4,250.00; and
Gina Perdido Bagasin - P5,000.00

In Kind:

SMRVS Batch 1984 - Souvenir Shirts:
Luisa "Lhun" Joseph Palaoay
Madelyn Acapuyan-Babas
Marites Nicolas-Ramos
Eddie Navarro
Marcelo Cabitla
Felynor Tabian-Regusante
Rey Oamil
Audel Battulayan

CSU Laboratory High Batch 1994 - Raffle Draw Prizes: 
Ailleen G. Padilla
Arlo A. Galapia
Berlyn S. Acang
Beverlyn A. Tabian
Cir Rodney C. Cacatian
Cynthia A. Sacramed
Daisy I. Dadufalsa
Dominador Inay
Ederlyn B. Bayot
Fely Jane C. Tapec
Gina Caculitan
Jean Marie Malto
Joan Pascua
Jonald Bejec
Juliet Caranguian
Lino Greg Dapang
Margaret Atiagan
Michelle Rambayon
Perlita Mackay
Rema Caoagas

Mr. & Mrs. Sony Pacris - 25 cases pop cola
Marites Menes - 5 cases pop cola
Perdido's Hardware - 20 cases pepsi
Glenford Bagasol and Cresanta Bagasol - Cakes
Grace Ann Macalma - Souvenir Key Chains
Myrna Agamanos-Calver - Raffle Draw Prizes
Marites Cabulisan - Raffle Draw prize
Irene Agarpao - raffle draw prize

Marites Nicolas Ramos
Laila Omaoeng

Colored Fans
Marie Jane Magaoay-Acang
Wilfredo Estabillo

Donors of Lechon:
Mayor Pol Sacramed
Edwin Sacramed
Cac Siblings (Edward, Elmer, Emily) of Dacal
Maureen Canonizado
Harold Keith Dulig & Siblings
Perdido's Hardware

Vice Mayor Oroceo - 1 cavan
CEO Lina M. Garan - 1 cavan

Vic Dabalos & Class mates - One whole pig 

Note: Based from my record, the above are the donations and contributions given during the Grand Alumni Homecoming. If anyone of you could see any discrepancy, please let me know. Thank you!